Morning or Afternoon

Warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child. – Carl Jung

Happy Monday!

Recently I came across some of the writings on aging and how it effects our minds as duly written by renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychiatry. His life-long work and influence in many ways changed how we have come to look at the human psyche. 

While I could never fully share some of complexities of his teachings here in a single Victory Letter, what I found fascinating was his research around what he called the Sunrise-Sunset metaphor of our lives. Here is a brief overview:

Early morning comes with the rising sun of childhood, which is full of endless potential, innocence, and a very vivid imagination. As our little minds begin to fully awaken, we are full of awe in the possibilities of life around us. However, this time can be lacking in the brilliance that comes from experience and knowing.

Morning brings with it our adolescence, puberty, young adulthood and so many life experiences as we are first learning to break our dependency with our parents. This is the time that we are seeking and implementing what it will take to create a life of our own. This stage takes us through our 20’s and into our 30’s and even 40’s.

High Noon/Afternoon just like in a given day, this time of our life takes us into what can be the best second half of our lives. Potentially the richest times of our life from roughly our 50’s into our early 80’s.

Fun fact, I was delighted to learn Jung believed the important role that nature and gardening can play in our mental health most especially at this time. He found because of the level of critical thinking we experience at this stage in life, our connection to nature is extremely beneficial.

Sunset this final stage of life brings with it the opportunities of old age in appreciating a life well lived. If we are blessed with good mental and physical health as we age these really do become our golden years.

In a world full of people trying to sell us on anti-aging, most especially as women, I am finding myself as I age knowing the importance in paying attention to the many benefits that now come with my age.

Jung also noted that there was much to be accomplished if we respect and embrace who we have been along our lifelong journey and connecting that self to who we are today.

As I have pondered all of this, it seems that if we can live with intention, love and respect for the life we have been given, while striving to continue to be all that we have the capacity to be, we are living well.

It is important to remember that even when we “grow up” our inner child that got us started, is still part of who we have become. By taking some of that imagination and thoughts of endless potential, we get to determine how much she/he gets to participate in our life. But first there is the importance of checking in and seeing how she/he is doing at this point in time.

With that in mind I have created an Inner Child Meditation for this week’s Morning Momentum meditation. In this you can tap into your thoughts about your inner child and check in to see how she/he is getting to participate in your life.

And yes, that’s me in this week’s video picture as a little girl. I actually keep this picture on my office desk to remind little Cheri to come out and play as often as possible. ;)

So, as we edge closer to the ending of this year and look towards the values, we will bring into 2024 take the time to embrace, remember and honor the stages of your journey and where you want to go from here.

Until next week…

To Your Success and Victories,
- Cheri

Cheri Ruskus
Creator and Growth Mentor • @victorygirl

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