Word Twist

Clarity is the most important thing. I can compare clarity to pruning in gardening. You know, you need to be clear. If you are not clear, nothing is going to happen.

– Diane von Furstenberg

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year {First Name}!

2024 has arrived and here we are on day #2. How’s it going for you so far?

Truthfully this day can be overwhelming. The fa la la of the holidays is over and now the real world is back and staring us right in the face. Those goals that sounded great a few days ago are sitting in front of us wondering if in fact we will put them into action.

This is where the word of the year comes into place to help ground us when we lose focus. Those who know me well know that I love promoting this with family, friends, and clients because I want them to have a happy and productive year.

And yes, I want that for myself to be sure. This year my word is CLARITY.

Clarity to discover what new opportunities lie in front of me as I step into new uncharted waters. Cutting back on my coaching as I look to adding new elements of creativity to my life.

And a word, much like a goal needs to be nurtured and most importantly remembered. Keeping it close when the noise and distractions of the world start to take us off course.

Keep your word near you and give it some life. As many things in life, I love me a good acronym and have done so with the word clarity:








Yep, that is what the word clarity holds inside of it for me. The areas that need to either soothe me or bear gifts within the action. And speaking of action it is in the action we take that makes ultimately all the difference.

Another twist in the word of the year is to decide on the word you no longer want to use. For me that word is BUT. Yes, how easily this word slips into a conversation when I don’t agree with something someone is saying. So instead, I will focus on using “yes, and” in order to allow the other person feel heard.

Wanted to also take this opportunity to introduce to you the Grow You Girl as the new logo for my You Tube channel. This artwork I had commissioned by a talented artist and unveiling her this week. Including a You Tube live on Thursday! 

So, take a twist and incorporate these vibes of the new year into your year all year long. After all we get an extra day this year, so let’s use it wisely…shall we?

What is your word to move you forward? And yes, what is your word to drop from your vocabulary all together?

Wishing you positivity and light as we all make our way towards the things in life that we cherish the most.

To Your Success and Victories,
- Cheri

Cheri Ruskus
Creator and Growth Mentor
cheri@businessvictories.com • @victorygirl

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