The Hobby Results

Happy Monday!

And happy Tax Day here in the U.S.. This day should also be known as national procrastinators day as we support those who have waited until this last moment in time to do the thing most of us, I would say, don’t like to do.

Today I have been spending the morning, and into this afternoon reviewing the emails I got about hobbies and so appreciate everyone’s shares. I heard from a number of people that even though they loved hobbies from the past, they found themselves never having the “time” to do them.

My hope is that you reevaluate where you stand with doing the things you love to do.

Here are the top results of what the Victory Letter readers find as the hobbies they love the most:

Photography. A true favorite with many. One reader who is also a garden loves to photograph nature and makes little cards with her pictures that share positive sayings on them to give to people. Her family history with photography going back to World War I was also fascinating.

Another photography lover also has a passion for shooting in addition to people, landscapes and has started up gardening as well over the last few years. A mutual passion for quite a number of those who love photography. The iPhone seems to have made this an easier hobby to pursue. I know I love the combo of photography and gardening as well.

Reading. This was an initial surprise to think of reading as a hobby. Then, I heard from a number of people who look to this as a wonderful way to spend their free time. From one to as many a 4 books a month. One reader shared that this habit/hobby of reading has allowed him to be a lifelong learner and learn something new every day. I love that!

Physical Exercise/Sport

While general exercise was mentioned by a number of people here are some specific ones that were shared.

 Running – A long time passion from one reader who shared that through injuries and pregnancies she has always found her way back to her love of running with friends on a Saturday morning as well as in longer organized runs.

Walking – Perhaps not as fast as running but great none the less. Enjoying nature while moving your body.

Dance – Shared by many. One reader loved the sound of the music and particular dance steps so much of a particular genre that she decided to try something new and is hooked on weekly classes.

Nia Dance – A combination of dance and yoga. Allowing one reader to teach and create new moves while enjoying the music that goes along with the experience.

Biking – One reader shared that he did his first ride at 5 and went 62 miles to his grandparents’ house. This prompted a lifelong love for the sport of biking including road, gravel, bike packing, and mountain biking.

Volleyball/Softball – Playing in senior leagues one reader said that the more he played the more he found others that that could match his competition levels and loved the sport as well.

Sailing – One reader is moving to a lake this summer to be able to pick up this hobby again. I will say I am so jealous!

Golf – Getting out there on the course was a favorite for many. Though seasonal for some here in our colder climates, others get to do it year round.

Other Interesting Hobbies

Gaming both online and in person creating role playing games and opening the imagination.

Birding. One reader got turned on to the explorative aspects of birding when a flock of pelicans landed in the pond in his backyard a few years back. He has grown to love getting out on a regular basis to discover more.

Business Ownership. One person shared how much her business is her hobby because she loves running it. I heard this a number of times including those who loved their hobby so much they turned it into a business.

Playing the Violin. One response triggered a lost passion for this and she is wanting now to get back to playing it again.

Parenting. Several people talked about how parenting took them away from their hobbies. And they also talked about how much they loved parenting – doesn’t that make it a hobby?

Art and Painting – This one consistently was shared as something that readers “used to do.” Hoping their sharing’s will spark a new commitment.

Gardening. I am happy to say there were a number of gardeners out there. Some who did gardening as part of another hobby or just gardening.

Bottomline here is that one person’s passion is not necessarily another’s that is to be sure. And that my friends is what makes the world go round. Because indeed anything is possible when you step into something new and give it a go even if you aren’t certain of how it will turnout.

Of the stories told about hobbies most of them happened because of trying something new. Hobbies are there to give us more reasons to smile. Afterall, living just to pay taxes never served anyone. Right? Right!

Have a great week!


Cheri Ruskus


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