The Grow Sessions and Grow Planner 

Let’s Turn Your To Do’s Into Your Ta Da’s

"The biggest mistake is you think you have the time."  Buddha.

Growth comes in all shapes and forms. From well-crafted growth to growth that seems to come out of thin air, to growth that feels like it will never happen. The key through it all is to keep your mindset focused on what matters most to you on any given day while you stay focused on honoring your time.

That is where the Grow Sessions along with a custom Grow Planner comes in to play. This Grow Planner has been designed specifically to fully engage you in all areas of your life from business to personal so you are not missing a beat. This allows you to stay focused where you actually want and need to be focused. Play where you need to play, as you stay true to all of your goals and intentions.

Make your time count by honoring it with these tools:

  • The Grow Sessions Comprehensive Online Coaching Program guides you through setting up the 5 key elements of this planner as needed.

  • The Grow planner has been designed to be earth friendly by being universal and reusable from year to year as it works alongside your electronic calendar.

  • Digital downloads for future planning opportunities are part of the planning system. Print only what you need and customize.

The five sections of this planner that will have you accomplishing your growth along with goals attached to that growth step-by-step, month by month, week by week, and then the final implementation done day by day.

  • Annual Goal Planning based on what you really want out of your business and life for the long term.

  • Monthly Planning page so that you can take the long term goals and begin to put them into the current month based in time, money and current desires.

  • Week/Day Planning that then takes the monthly plan and chunks the week and then the day.

These two additional sections are designed specifically for the entrepreneur small business owner.

  • SOS Tracker insures the strength of systems for those planning for business. Any successful business must have strong systems. This tracker will ask you to check in each month to see which system currently needs your attention. Is it administration, financial systems, marketing, sales, customer service or product/service production tasks.

  • Idea Tracker insures you are following the bright shiny objects that matter most in either business or your personal life. Keep your curiosity and innovation strong by keeping track of your ideas.

Many planners don’t work because they either have you doing too much work planning on a daily basis or not enough. You can find yourself staring at the planner as you fill it with to do’s versus the much more important Ta Da’s which stands for Triumphant Action & Daily Accomplishments.

The elements in this planner will have you flexing your creativity muscle to make this planner your own.

Open the gateway to fully understanding and owning your time for the low one time price of $49.

When you do, you will have immediate ongoing access to the Grow Sessions Online Coaching Program and the downloads for your Grow Planner.